JD Vance, Trump’s Pro-Bitcoin Choice for Vice Presidency


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Fenelon L.

Former President Donald Trump has designated Senator JD Vance as a running mate for the 2024 presidential election. This choice reinforces Trump’s pro-crypto campaign stance, as Vance is known for his support of bitcoin and legislation favorable to digital assets.

JD Vance, Trump’s Choice as Running Mate, a Strong Supporter of Bitcoin?

JD Vance, Republican Senator from Ohio, stands out for his firm commitment to bitcoin and the crypto ecosystem.

His personal portfolio, containing between $100,000 and $250,000 in Bitcoin, demonstrates his confidence in this emerging asset class.

Beyond this significant investment, Vance has established himself as a key player in the development of a favorable legislative framework for cryptos. He is currently leading an ambitious bill aimed at redefining crypto regulation in the United States.

This initiative, inspired by the Financial Innovation and Technology Act for the 21st Century (FIT21), seeks to establish a clear demarcation between the oversight powers of the SEC and the CFTC in the crypto market.

Vance has not hesitated to directly confront Gary Gensler, the chairman of the SEC, criticizing his overly restrictive approach. The senator advocates for a regulatory environment that encourages innovation while providing adequate investor protection.

A Strong Signal for the Crypto Industry

Vance’s nomination is part of a broader strategy by Donald Trump to woo the crypto-enthusiastic electorate. The former president, who had been skeptical of Bitcoin in the past, has made a 180-degree turn. He now promises to make the United States a haven for cryptos if re-elected.

This new orientation is already reflected in Trump’s campaign. His team accepts crypto donations, a first for a US presidential candidate. The Republican Party has also incorporated pro-crypto positions into its platform, pledging to end the « illegal crackdown » on the sector.

The impact on the crypto market was not long in coming. Bitcoin’s price saw a notable rise, exceeding $64,000. The « Trump coin, » a crypto inspired by the former president, also saw its value jump by over 11%.

The choice of JD Vance as running mate considerably reinforces Trump’s credibility with the crypto community. This decision could significantly influence the future of regulation of digital assets in the United States once the duo is in power.

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Fenelon L.

Passionné par le Bitcoin, j’aime explorer les méandres de la blockchain et des cryptos et je partage mes découvertes avec la communauté. Mon rêve est de vivre dans un monde où la vie privée et la liberté financière sont garanties pour tous, et je crois fermement que Bitcoin est l’outil qui peut rendre cela possible.


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